Mihir Shah

Mihir Shah
Fidelity Investments

Bernard Gavgani

Bernard Gavgani 
BNP Paribas

Suda Suvarna 

Steven Chung (Moderator)

Steven Chung


Featured SESSION

Panel: Data Megatrends for the Office of the CIO
Modern CIOs are challenged with the need to innovate and deliver technology solutions fast enough to meet company goals, and do it sustainably, all while combatting cybersecurity risks and meeting compliance requirements. How can CIOs balance boldness and caution to ensure the ability to innovate and drive business growth? How do you create an environment that enables development teams to innovate and code instead of being slowed down by compliance and security issues? And how do you do it all while saving the planet?

These and other topics will be discussed by Delphix President Steven Chung, as well as customer CIOs, who will share their learnings and best practices of what it takes to be an effective CIO in today’s business world.