Join Us!

Get to know other Delphix users and technologists in the Salt Lake City community!

We invite you to a special event hosted by AdvancedMD. Guest speakers from AdvancedMD will take us through the key data, compliance, and cloud challenges they overcame with Delphix virtualization and masking and how they are currently leverage the technology today.  

Don't miss the opportunity to gain valuable insight from peers and to learn from one another. You will also be able to meet with Delphix Customer Success.






10:00am - 10:15am

Welcome & Intros

Bill Cody & Nick Suwyn

10:15am -  11:30am

Office Key Manager (OKM) & Delphix Virtualization 

Amy Abel, Steve Coombs, & Joe Johnson

11:30am - 12:00pm

Games, Prizes, & Lunch

Provided by Delphix



Amy Abel, Sr. Database Administrator Reliability Engineer, AdvancedMD

Steve Coombs, Sr. Database Administrator, AdvancedMD

Joe Johnson, Sr. Database Administrator, AdvancedMD

Nick Suwyn, Principal Solutions Engineer, Delphix

Bill Cody, Regional Sales Manager, Delphix