Modern CIOs are challenged with the need to innovate and deliver technology solutions fast enough to meet shifting company goals, and do it sustainably, all while combatting cybersecurity risks and meeting compliance requirements.
In this session, we will hear from Yves Caseau, Group Chief Digital & Information Officer at Michelin, and author of “The Lean Approach to Digital Transformation: From Customer to Code and From Code to Customer”, and Jedidiah Yueh, Founder & CEO of Delphix, as they discuss the top trends that are shaping the future of the Office of the CIO.
From the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning to the increasing importance of data privacy and security, these experts will explore how CIOs can drive digital transformation initiatives that balance the needs for both innovation and risk mitigation, and how to develop a lean approach to digital transformation that delivers value to both customers and the business.
They will also discuss the importance of data management and governance, and how to effectively leverage data to drive business outcomes. Attendees will come away with practical strategies and insights on how to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the CIO role and drive success in their organisations.