Vipul Nagrath was Senior Vice President, Corporate Officer, Head of Product Development for Workforce Now from 2020 to 2024. Vipul joined ADP in 2015 as Senior Vice President, Global Chief Information Officer (CIO) with responsibility for all infrastructure, operations, enterprise applications, enterprise technology systems and processes, end user compute, and mobile & telephony across the globe.
An industry leader in technology, Vipul brings more than 25 years of experience in developing forward-thinking solutions. Vipul previously served at Bloomberg L.P. from 2003 to 2015, where he started as a project manager in 2003 and rapidly rose through the engineering organization to become Bloomberg, L.P.’s Global Head of Research & Development. In this role, he oversaw technology research and development for all Bloomberg products. He continued his growth & responsibility as the CIO and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Bloomberg’s Enterprise Solutions business.
Vipul started his career as a developer with Granada Systems Design, Inc., then moved on to run his own boutique firm specializing in computer telephony integration from 1995 to 2003.